It seems like when we're under the gun to accomplish one thing, everything else that has a deadline is always due at the same time! That was the case with me on November 1st. We had our benefit concert on that day, which was such a blessing from God in that we raised our entire first payment towards the adoption. Our county has an annual art competition and there are monetary prizes as well as the opportunity to sell your work. This year's theme was "Schools: Old and New," which was right up my alley because architecture is my "thing." I like to do renderings with a fine-tip marker and a watercolor wash. I decided to do a school up the street that had recently closed :( . So, can you guess when the piece was due??? If you guessed November 1st, you are correct! I was running around like a crazy woman trying to pull together last minute details for the benefit concert, and then I had this art competition hanging over my head. I thought many times about just not doing it, but then I would remember that even if a prize was out of the question, there was always the chance of selling the piece, which could be two-hundred or so dollars. I called the gallery on Friday and explained my predicament with the concert. They were very kind and said I could bring the piece in on Monday morning, which would give me Sunday afternoon to complete it. After the concert on Saturday, I was so exhausted that I didn't even look at it on Sunday! Monday morning, I was grumbling about it, wondering whether to finish it or just forget about it. I threw it in a cheapy Michael's frame and took it to the gallery and handed it in. Fast forward to Friday night, the opening reception for the show. I am at a ladies' retreat in Lancaster, PA, so Chris is good enough to attend the reception for me and give me the scoop on the prizes and/or any possible buyers. He calls me to tell me he is looking at the Best of Show ribbon...on my piece! Totally a God thing, because I did not put the time into that drawing that I should have, and there were many entries there that looked a lot better than mine! I truly think that God knew how much we needed that prize money ($500!!!) for this adoption, and He made it happen for us.
I have to confess, sometimes I have a real problem with totally trusting Him to meet our needs. This adoption has been a real testing of my faith. We went into this completely relying on God to provide. We don't have $25,000! We know that God has put this little boy on our hearts. Even if we aren't the family to adopt him, we have to help him get here. God doesn't give us a burden without providing the means for us to act on it. I have clearly seen His hand working in all of this, and I really just need to give this up completely to Him. Could I ask you to remember us in your prayers? Please pray that we would trust as God continues to work...please pray for this little boy in Russia who so desperately needs to come here for medical care and the love of a family.